Killian James

Killian James

Killian James

Killian James's videos on Eurocreme
Killian James have played in 1 gay videos on and 8 videos on our other websites
Gay twink fucked by a military man

Cory, a gay twink, is entering the army and is fascinated by Sergeant Killian James, a muscular, manly and charismatic 30-year-old man. Killian calls him to fuck him. The Sergeant is always quick to notice the young gay men in his troops. And he likes to play with them and face them to his big authoritarian cock. He thought Cory had more experience and discovers that he's only sucked a couple of young guys' dicks. For the first time Cory gets a taste of a real guy's cock and gets taken by a man with experience. Delighted to introduce him to deep blowjob and to definitely open his ass, Killian establishes his dominance and makes him cum like never before.

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